Planning Ahead

This will be the biggest year for my sister when she decided to put things on the next level of getting married.

In charge organizing her wedding from its theme down to the small details of it.

here’s the things I gathered with our yellow and black motif.

Yellow and Black theme2468424962_313362055386229_159013814154388_820075_1047170227_n3237030953530147_Jks7XS2B_c36028865739982742_gs67OJHt_c


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#fonts #upgrade #update News

Last month, we shared tips from users who use Custom Colors to spice up their sites. You can also personalize your online home with Custom Fonts and a custom domain name.

For inspiration, let’s take a quick peek at four blogs using Custom Fonts. Then, we’ll show you how to try out and preview fonts — right in your dashboard.

The Vibes

A graphic designer in Manchester, England, Mark designs blogs, websites, and magazine covers, so he knows a thing or two about making his own site look good! His scrapbook-like blog, The Vibes, is colorful and full of art, photography, and notes from his travels.

How did you decide on the Chunk and Museo Slab fonts for The Vibes?

My blog is designed to look like a scrapbook, hence the Adventure Journal theme. After designing my own headers and backgrounds to extend the “paper” texture of…

View original post 995 more words

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Moving on = Getting used to it everyday (credits from twitter)



– @RealMilaKunis

“You never really stop loving someone. You just learn to live without them.”

“The best revenge is showing them that life is better after they’re gone.” 

“Don’t over think things, just act how you feel.”

“Crying doesn’t always mean you’re weak, it just means you’ve been strong for too long.”



– @factsonfemales

“Treat them like a priority, not an option.”

“Never give up on something you really want. It’s difficult to wait, but worse to regret.”

“I always wonder how things would have turned out if I made a different decision.”

“Explaining your feelings to someone is one of the hardest things to do.”

“I was lying when I said it didn’t matter.”

“Life doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger.”

“With every heartbreak, you grow stronger.”

“Things won’t get better until you make them better.”

“Enjoy these moments now, because they don’t last forever.”

“Actions will always prove why words mean nothing without them.”



“There’s a big difference between getting over something and just getting through it.”



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Moving on = Getting used to it everyday (credits from twitter)



– @RealMilaKunis

“You never really stop loving someone. You just learn to live without them.”

“The best revenge is showing them that life is better after they’re gone.” 

“Don’t over think things, just act how you feel.”

“Crying doesn’t always mean you’re weak, it just means you’ve been strong for too long.”



– @factsonfemales

“Treat them like a priority, not an option.”

“Never give up on something you really want. It’s difficult to wait, but worse to regret.”

“I always wonder how things would have turned out if I made a different decision.”

“Explaining your feelings to someone is one of the hardest things to do.”

“I was lying when I said it didn’t matter.”

“Life doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger.”

“With every heartbreak, you grow stronger.”

“Things won’t get better until you make them better.”

“Enjoy these moments now, because they don’t last forever.”

“Actions will always prove why words mean nothing without them.”



“There’s a big difference between getting over something and just getting through it.”



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How to Keep A Relationship by: Teresa Armas and 10 others


Let’s start with the basics…

Hold Hands, hugs and kisses often.  Nothing is as good for the soul and the emotional health of a person as the human touch.  Holding hands keeps a connection and closeness, no matter what we are doing. An enthusiastic hug uplifts us; a quick kiss says “glad to see you”.

Date often. Make dates and anticipate them with excitement. Set the stage as if you are trying to “impress” the way you did at the beginning of the relationship. The desire to look your best, feel your best and have the best time possible will rejuvenate those feelings of a first date.

Take advantage of new technology; text. With so many of us pressed for time, why not use technology to “keep in touch” during the day. A compliment, an affection or a quick “Hello, You are being thought of” via text can spark anyone’s day.

Praise, praise and thank you…and more praise. Rather than concentrating on what he or she “doesn’t do anymore”, think about what he/she does. He may not bring you flowers as he did in the beginning of your courtship, but his consideration in packing your lunch or giving you some time with the girls is another type of “blossom”. If we compliment people on what they DO, instead of harping on what they don’t, we’d be surprised how responsive a person can be. Being appreciated with a “thank you”, makes most people enthusiastic about doing more. Complimenting your partner on their qualities of patience or creativity will easily be a high point in their day. And with enough Thank yous and compliments, you never know. That bouquet of flowers might just follow.

Take care of yourself; mind, body and spirit. Be passionate about life. There is truth to the belief that if we nourish the child in us our spirits can stay young, even when our outer body doesn’t. Stay young in mind and spirit. Take care of your health, emotional and physical. It is much easier to keep a relationship young when you exude that aura yourself. Start by keeping yourself “young at heart.”

  • Keeping a relationship vibrant for years can be a challenge, but that doesn’t have to be a negative. As with all challenges, once achieved, the success becomes much sweeter, the accomplishment more exhilarating. That kind of energy is certain to give a kick start to anyone’s relationship!

Let’s go to a more serious one…

Strengthen your art of conversation. If you find yourself with “nothing to talk about anymore”, find something to start the conversation. Make “sharing your day” a pleasure event, not a dreaded evil.

Be a good listener. There still is the time when your partner will need you to be there, just to listen. The extra effort, however, can be priceless. Remember, often people don’t want their problems solved, just a shoulder to lean on. Taking away the burden of “fixing it,” might make it easier.

Make love often and with passion. The beauty of a long term sexual relationship is that the intimacy builds over the years. That intimacy makes sex much more genuine, gratifying and fulfilling. It is also an area that is not often put high on the importance scale. Work, career, school, and kids often exhaust our energy so we find it hard to “be in the mood.” Make the intimate part of your relation a high priority. Make time for “love sessions.” Take time to “make love” rather than just have sex. Like all else in life, intimacy dies if it is not nourished. Feeding it with affection, compliments and time will make it something that feels less like an obligation at the end of a hard day, but something to look forward to.

And I think this one is the best thing to remember!

Always try to understand the other person perfectly. Both of you might be of two completely different personalities ,but you must know you are together because you are meant to be .so don’t spoil it .whenever the other person do something wrong or didn’t arrive at the time .Don’t start being so aggressive .you must first ask the person what happened in a calm way and tell that you understand ,so don’t worry .These small consoling words can strengthen your relationship greatly.

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My Valentine’s date

The long wait at the mega mall is indeed worthy.. this bonchon chicken was really worth waiting for.. This made my hungry stomach full.. haha


and here’s the thing for desert, the sweet and yummy doughnuts from Krispy Kreme ..Sayang nga lang because they only offered 3 choices of flavors.. But to top it all it made our night!!!


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Instagram lovebirds :)

As I look at my computer I realized I have a lot of pictures of office love teams, from people linking to each other to one-sided love, from love story whose started from being office mates to real life sweethearts.


I’ve made this to make fun of my office mates whom they often teased with each other as an item. hehe


Even though its a one-sided love affair.. still it’s cute to see how she blushes when he’s around.. hehe

Secret Lovers…

They’re been an item for so long that it took a year to admit that they’re been together for real.. hahaha

Love is in the air… ♥ (I’m sure they’ll go crazy when they see this post) hahaha evil

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A New Year of New Beginnings

Trying times are not time to stop trying”

Romans 13:11-14 (Ptr. Jun Cunanan)

One Thing people have in common is that we all make our “Resolutions”

3 important principles on how we should leave 2011 and we should enter 2012

1) Leave the previous year COMPLETELY

– we need to LEARN TO LEAVE THINGS where they BELONG

What are some of the things we need to leave behind?

– anything in our lives that keep us from fully focusing on the Lord should be left behind.

Things that you might choose to leave behind:

a) leave RESENTMENTS behind.

b) leave your WORRIES behind.

c) leave your FAILURES behind.

2) Make the BEST of the FUTURE.

– it represents to us that there is a whole range of new opportunities for us; an unlimited chance to have a better life

a) Our time on earth is limited (Psalm 90:10)

“We live to be about 80, if we stay healthy. But all that time is filled with trouble and sorrow. Then wears quickly ass and then – we re gone”

b) You must learn to prioritize important matters in life

– we must be sure that we have our priorities set in order and that we realize which things must be done as we don’t get overloaded

3) Know the Lord’ will

– your relationship with Jesus is more important than anything else in your life

a) You must be FAITHFUL

b) You must be AVAILABLE

c) You must be TEACHABLE

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Don’t talk back…insecure!

Security is the level of guarantee of assurance. It is  more likely to achieve success, have meaningful relationships and be respected by others. On the other hand, insecure people lacks confidence in their own value, and one or more of their capabilities, lacks trust in themselves or others, or has fears that a present positive state is temporary, and will let them down and cause them loss or distress by “going wrong” in the future.

A person who is insecure finds difficulty in many aspects of life. Since most people are insecure, a person who is secure has power and influence over others; even if they are not otherwise powerful.

Check yourself  if you have signs of insecurity:


Selfish people usually insist of having things  their own way at the expense of others.


Insecure people tend to be very sensitive to critique and respond with defensiveness. They aren’t comfortable enough with themselves to accept that they might be flawed.

While a secure person can handle criticism. They’re open to hearing about ways they might improve. If they disagree with the criticism, they don’t try to argue because they’re happy with who they are.

Can’t Enjoy Silence…

Some insecure people just can’t deal with silence. They fill every void with meaningless chatter, almost to avoid having to reflect on themselves. The unfortunate consequence is the annoyance of everyone around them, who secretly look for an escape.

While a secure person can tolerate, and often enjoys silence. If they are with someone else, they have the ability to let someone else talk without having to interject their own perspective.

Excessive Joking…

Another coping mechanism for insecurity is constant joking. While a sense of humor is almost necessary for emotional health, the excessive joker doesn’t seem to know the limits of appropriateness.

It feels good when everyone laughs at your joke, and an insecure person craves this sort of attention. The unfortunate consequence is an uncomfortable environment and an insensitivity to others.

Jokes are almost always more funny when they are well-timed and delivered by a person of confidence. Security gives you the ability to be sensitive of others; knowing what they would consider funny and what they would consider offensive.


Insecure people tend to talk about themselves constantly, as if they feel like they have to prove themselves. Self-promotion is paramount to over-compensation for doubt.

A confident person doesn’t need to promote himself. His qualities are displayed naturally by the way he lives his life. Besides, he doesn’t need validation from anyone anyway.


Insecure people feel threatened by others, and one way to cope with this is to try and squash them. The most threatening person of all to an insecure person is a secure person, because they can sense their power.

Overly Competitive…

Competitiveness is part of a healthy emotional makeup, but over-competitiveness is a sign of a problem. Someone who can’t take losing by making a big emotional display lacks confidence.

A person who is secure with himself wins or loses with grace. Grace has a lot to do with respecting your opponent, and you can only do that if you are first comfortable with yourself.

Overly Authoritative…

Insecure people in positions of power tend to compensate for their lack of confidence by taking out their frustrations on their subordinates. They might issue unfair punishments or orders as a way to prove their authority.

This kind of excessive authoritativeness is an obvious over-compensation for insecurity.


A very dangerous coping mechanism for insecurity is buying things you can’t afford just to show off. We can all think of people with huge TV’s, fast cars, and every toy known to man; even though they don’t make much money. People like this tend to run up their credit cards and get themselves into big trouble.

A secure person doesn’t need to show off. He doesn’t care what other people think about his possessions.

Insecurity in Relationships…

Insecurity tends to be amplified in relationships. In this situation, there is a constant struggle for control and energy.

Interestingly enough, people tend to be attracted to other people at the same level of security. Insecure people tend to find other insecure people to date, and secure people tend to date other secure people.

A healthy relationship is made up of two secure people who create their own emotional energy and give to their partner. An unhealthy relationship is made up of two insecure people who take emotional energy from their partner.


Insecurity can be highly destructive, especially if you don’t understand it. Many insecure people find scapegoats for their problems, never realizing that they are causing the problems themselves.

The beginning of security is learning to laugh at yourself, realizing that no one is perfect.

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God’s Indescribable Love

(Hosea 1:1-10)

Ptr. Jhun Cunanan

“The most shocking book in the old testament”

– Sometimes, God would give the prophet a message to act out

– The prophets actions would be a living drama playing out the message of God in a dramatic way.

3 Important reasons why God’s love is indescribable:

1) The love of God is unreasonable.

– How many of you had been in love in one way or another?

– the thing that God has asked Hosea to do did not make sense.

-When God enters into a covenant of love with us, the covenant does not depend on our faithfulness, bu on the faithfulness of God.

-God loves dirty, ragged sinners and you can;t separate Him.

“In the gospel, we discover we are far worse than we thought, and far more loved than we ever dreamed.” – – Steven Curtis Smith

2) The love of God is a tough kind of love.

– Many times we have to learn the hard way that God’s way is the best way. (Hosea 2:7)

3) The love of God is unconditional.

– we often give up on people

– some even write others off, or count them as dead, when their love or trust has been betrayed

-but God is different, God’s love is unconditional, constant and perfect (Hosea 3:1)

-God loves you simply because He wants to love you

– He chose to love you… he decided to love you

“Don’t look at your circumstances, look at the cross!” (Romans 8:33)

Human love is…

–fickle, sporadic, temporary and conditional (Revelation 12:10)


“That is the way God’s unconditional love works, his kindness leads us to come home.”

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